Recipe time 5min Breakfast, Sauerkraut

Fried Eggs with Avocado and Turmeric Sauerkraut

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- 2 Slices of Bread.
- 2 Eggs.
- 1 Avocado.
- Mighty Farmer Turmeric Sauerkraut.
- 2 tablespoons of Olive Oil
- 1/2 Lemon.
- Salt and Pepper
- Rocket Leaves.

- Start by toasting your bread. While the bread toasts, fry your eggs with a little bit of butter.
- Smash your avocado with some lemon juice, olive oil, salt and pepper. Mix well!
- Now it's time to assemble your toast! Start with the bread, then the avocado mix, some rocket leaves, cover it with Mighty Farmer Turmeric Sauerkraut and finally add your fried eggs.
- Finish it with some pepper and enjoy a healthy and easy breakfast.